Alison Elder
President | Realtor®

Producing over $2 billon in Tahoe-Truckee real estate volume since following a successful high-tech career, Alison ranks in the top 1/2% of U.S. Realtors in 2024. Year-over-year, Alison leads the Tahoe Sierra MLS rankings; her Elder Group Tahoe Real Estate team receives award-winning accolades and with outstanding seller and buyer client testimonials.

Alison Elder’s accomplished and unprecedented sales volumes directly reflect her in-depth market knowledge, honed negotiation ability and dedication to Elder Group Tahoe’s clients. Alison takes great pleasure and pride in sharing her vast experience and neighborhood expertise.

For over 20+ years, Alison’s highly prized business model brings a finely honed approach delivered through a team support structure to best serve our seller and buyer clients. From start to finish, Elder Group Tahoe Real Estate delivers exceptional results through an attentive, proactive, consultative and personal approach – regardless of price point – whether selling or buying a Tahoe-Truckee property. Alison loves real estate! Contact Elder Group Tahoe Real Estate today.